
Personal Intuitive Eating Coaching

Just you and me, 1 to 1, helping you to reframe your thoughts and behaviours around food and your body

I'm here to support you

Here’s how I saw the step from the safety and routine of a diet club to the freedom of intuitive eating and body confidence…..

Scary, daunting, worrying, lonely, lacking control, and a crazy idea!

I wish that when I had done the work on myself that I’d had someone there by my side who knew it would all work out for the best.

Someone who could tell me I wasn’t mad, explain the things I didn’t understand, help me to see how intuitive eating fits into my own life, celebrate with me when it was going well, and support me when I was feeling low.

I’m here to be that person for you.

Terri x

I know how tired you are of dieting.

Diets don’t work in the long term. They never have and they never will, yet you go back time and time again. Maybe it’s the same diet plan, maybe it’s another, but it’s always the same results. The reason is because they’re based on the idea that we can control our weight and our bodies, which we can’t.

Intuitive Eating is a different way of looking at food and our relationship with it, and it’s based on the simple idea that we have an in-built ability to know what we should eat. It’s a more natural way to eat, and it’s something that everyone can do.

If you’re ready to give up dieting for good, have a better relationship with food, and find body confidence, then my personal intuitive eating coaching is for you. I’ll help you let go of all your negative feelings about food and your body, and guide you through the process of learning how to listen to your own body’s signals about what, how much, and when to eat. You’ll be able to enjoy food again without feeling guilty or ashamed, and you’ll find that movement becomes something fun and joyful instead of another thing that is a struggle.

How can intuitive eating coaching help me?

Food freedom

Imagine being free from the guilt, shame, and obsession that comes with dieting. Imagine never having to restrict or deprive yourself ever again. Imagine no foods being out of bounds. That’s what I want for you, and I know we can get there together. 

I can help you to unpick the reasons why you are worries about food, and help you to realise that you can eat without fear of losing control.

Stop dieting for good

Dieting does so much more harm than good. It is bad for your physical health and your mental health. How much have you stressed about food? How much have you wished you could just be thinner?  

There is another way! I will help you understand why diets don’t work so that you can finally stop worrying about food all the time. Never count calories or weigh food again. Don’t let dieting ruin your life any longer.

Build body confidence

Do you feel like your body is holding you back from living a happy life?

I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed with self-hatred and shame. It feels like the only way to feel good is to lose weight, but that’s not true! I can help you build body confidence so that you are able to live the life that you deserve NOW.

6 Month Personal Coaching Package

I have put together what I believe is the perfect package of support. This intuitive eating & body image coaching package includes three elements which come together beautifully to help you to achieve the very best results.

1 to 1 Coaching

6 Months Of Personal Coaching

10 one-hour sessions, to be used across 6 months, designed to help you work through your thoughts, feelings and behaviours around food and body image. I’ll help you to set some goals, give you actions to take away and try for yourself, and start to reframe those thoughts into positive new ones.


Weekly Guidance Emails

Personalised guidance every week, designed to keep you motivated, focused, and moving forward. Packed with tailored resources and reflection prompts, all based on your unique journey and goals. A gentle nudge to help you stay on track, reflect on your progress, and continue building positive habits between sessions.


Weekly Check Ins

Each week, I’ll personally check in with you via voice or text message to see how you’re doing and offer support. These check-ins are an opportunity to share your wins, address any challenges, and get the encouragement you need to keep moving forward. It’s a way for us to stay connected and ensure you’re feeling supported and confident.


Personalised Action Plan

We will create a personalised action plan tailored to your specific goals and needs. This plan will outline the key steps we discuss, along with practical actions you can take to keep making progress. It’s designed to give you clarity and direction, so you know exactly what to focus on between sessions, helping you stay on track and build momentum.


Priority Booking

You get first choice and more choice when it comes to booking your sessions. This means more flexibility to find times that suit your schedule, ensuring that your coaching sessions fit seamlessly into your life. Whether you prefer a consistent slot or need to adjust each time, you’ll have the priority to make it work.


Personal Meditation

After your first session you’ll receive a personal support meditation.

This custom meditation will be tailored to the key themes we explore during your session, reinforcing the positive actions and mindset shifts we’ve identified together, and helping you reconnect with your intentions and stay focused on your progress.

Personal Coaching Package Fees

I believe that doing this work on yourself is an investment. You really are making changes that will last for a lifetime. It’s time to stop throwing away money to those diet companies and invest in yourself instead.

  • Pay In Full £1650

    Pay the total balance on booking.

  • Installments £450, followed by 3 x £400

    If you would prefer to spread the cost the package may be secured with a deposit of £450, payable on booking, with three remaining monthly payments of £400 to follow.

Why Choose Me

Not only will I help you with your food & body worries, but I’ll always do it in a way that is relaxed & fun.

Terri Pugh is leaning on a dining table which is laid out with cake on a stand, some cake on plates already cut, and a vase contains some fresh wild flowers. She is wearing a light blue floaty top and is smiling.

I am a certified Intuitive Eating counsellor, trained with Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch (the original Intuitive Eating pros), and I have body image certification through Marci Evans.

I am a Level 5 Certified Coach & Mentor, trained with the Institute of Leadership, which means I am have lots of skills and tools under my belt to help you achieve those results.

To add to this, I have qualifications which allow me to support your nutrition as well as your eating behaviours.

Aside from the professional stuff, I am going to be your biggest cheerleader. I’ll be the person you can trust, confide in, and lean on. I’ll always treat you with kindness and compassion, and hopefully we’ll have a laugh or two along the way.

I’m also ASDAH and Health At Every Size affiliated, which means I will always advocate for your wellbeing, no matter what your shape or size. 

There is no set plan, course, or curriculum to follow. Everything is tailored to you and your needs. One day that might be understanding more about intuitive eating, and on other days you might like to talk about your body confidence. I’ll go with the flow, supporting you where you need it.

We’ll set goals and actions, and I’ll help you to achieve them. I can be as hands on with that as you need me to be. If you want me to let you get on with it, I will. But if you need more accountability and motivation, with check ins, prompts, and nudges, then I’m here for that too.

Most Popular Questions

Coaching is not teaching. As a coach I believe you have everything you need within you, and it is my job to help you find that and make the changes that suit you.

It's collaborative. I will ask you questions and help you to work through thoughts that support your goals, identify obstacles, and developing new ways of working to overcome them.

This isn't therapy, which often focuses on healing past wounds. We will talk about the past, but personal coaching primarily concentrates on the present and future, and what your life can become.

Coaching, I believe, is very special and full of WOW moments.


I have a whole section on what intuitive eating is, and how you can start to apply it to your life. You can find that here.

At the beginning we might meet every couple of weeks, but as time moves on maybe we meet less often? It's flexible according to your needs. You have 10 sessions in a package, and these are to be used within 6 months. 

That's no problem. You will always be able to book a session at a time that suits you, as long as it is free in my calendar.

You will have a booking link to access that. On the whole though, my working hours are:

  • 6pm - 9pm, Mondays to Wednesdays
  • 10am - 4pm, Thursdays and Fridays
  • 11am - 3pm, Saturdays
These are UK times. Sessions will be held within these hours, and text and voice message responses will also be within these hours.

Confidentiality and privacy are so important in personal coaching sessions.

As your coach, I adhere to strict ethical guidelines to ensure that all discussions and information shared during our sessions remain confidential.

This means that anything you disclose during our sessions will be kept strictly between us, unless you provide explicit permission to share certain information with others.

Additionally, I use secure communication platforms and all sessions and communication is done in a personal and quiet environment - no-one else has access to me while I am working with you.  

Life happens and sometimes we have to move things around. That's absolutely fine. I just ask that you give more than 24 hours notice for rescheduling or cancelling appointments.

If you need to cancel at short notice it must be by email, and no refunds or additional sessions will be provided for cancellations made within this time.

Coaching, to have optimum results, is best done over multiple sessions. This is because it takes time to work through your behaviours and feelings, to try things out and see what works, and to reframe your old thoughts. You developed your beliefs over many years, so it's going to take a little time to unpick them.

A single session would provide quick, short term advice, but I really want you to have long lasting results, and I believe that it will take more than one session to do that. 

Embrace it and enjoy the sessions. Give yourself the gift of that time. 

Nope, we'll do everything on a video call.

I believe that everyone has complete body autonomy, and if weight loss is your goal then it is not for me to say otherwise.

BUT.... as an intuitive eater or someone working on body confidence, weight loss cannot be a goal.

To be a true intuitive eater you are being respectful of your body, and removing rules and restriction from your eating. If you are trying to lose weight you are almost certainly going to be adding those things back in.

So no, I'm afraid not. If you're looking for a weight loss coach I am not the coach for you.

Drop me a message. Let's talk about your options. Either email or WhatsApp me, or book in a discovery call. The button to do that is at the bottom of the page.

Not sure yet? Book a discovery call

I understand that personal coaching can feel like a big decision. I am here to answer your questions though.

If you’d like a chat with me before you decide I’m happy to do that. No pressure or obligation to book, just think of it as a friendly chat over a cuppa!

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