
Eat From Within

Intuitive Eating &
Body Confidence Membership

Do any of these sound like you?

You're a slave to the bathroom scales

You’re standing on the scales, checking your weight most days, scared of what the numbers will be.

You've tried every diet in the book

Some several times, and nothing has really worked in the long term. Or you’re stuck on that diet for fear of what will happen if you stop.

You feel guilty or fearful around food

You are worried about food, or feel guilty after eating. You live by rules that tell you what you can eat and how much.

You lose control when eating

You feel like you’ve lost control around food, and like you simply can’t trust yourself around food you love?

You struggle to find clothes you like

It's hard finding clothes you like, and you’d rather cancel an event than struggle to find an outfit you feel good in.

You keep saying you'll start again Monday

You repeatedly say “It’s ok, I’ll start again Monday” because you’ve lost track or life got in the way of your diet.

Then Eat From Within, the intuitive eating & body confidence membership, is for you

Eat From Within

The Intuitive Eating & Body Confidence Membership

Imagine being a part of a wonderfully supportive community of people, who understand exactly how you feel, and want to support you in that.

Imagine being able to know and feel what your body needs, honouring that, and being satisfied and happy with what you have eaten.

Imagine understanding intuitive eating in a way that makes sense for your life.

Imagine being more confident in your own skin.

This is all ready for you to you if you want it.

Come and join Eat From Within. 

Take back control

...of your eating habits so that you feel like you can eat anything, at any time, without worrying about bingeing, gaining weight, or breaking a diet

Bin the bathroom scales

...and no longer feel the need to weigh yourself multiple times a day, because you know that your worth is not determined by your weight.

Stop dieting for good

...and eat what you intuitively know that you want and need to eat. Your body will guide you if you let it, I promise (even if right now you think that it won't!)

Start living your life

...with your family and friends, without worrying about your body. Enjoy those day trips, meals, parties, and even work events, and make new, happy, carefree memories.

Stop all the counting

...of everything you eat and drink. Intuitive eating involves no restriction. There is no need to weigh, count, or measure food. Free yourself from that draining routine that you go through every single day.

Be genuinely happier in your body

...as it is, without feeling that you need to change it. The membership will help you appreciate your body and see that it is unique and beautiful, and doesn't need to change to suit other people.

What's in the membership?

Depending on membership level selected, each month you will get...

Live Coaching Sessions

Incredibly supportive, warm and friendly, small group coaching sessions. Each month we'll have 2 live online coaching sessions - 1 workshop session, which has a focus topic, and 1 open session where you can bring anything you like for discussion and support around.

Members only community

We have a WhatsApp community for you to join as soon as you're a member. Support and conversation between sessions.

Member Resources Area

A place online where you can find all the group session and workshop replays, guest sessions, mini courses, workbooks and worksheets.

Mini Courses

Mini courses on hunger and fullness, body respect, and my signature Eat From Within system, all designed to help you get the quickest possible progress.

Affiliate earnings

Recommend someone into the membership and get yourself some money as long as you both they remain a member.

1 to 1 Personal Coaching

Extra personal coaching in between group sessions. One 30 minute personal coaching session each month, plus unlimited support through Voxer, WhatsApp and email.

Choose your membership level

Join Eat From Within

Join Eat From Within now and get instant access to all the resources you could need to kickstart your intuitive eating & body confidence journey


Group coaching package with accompanying self guided resources


per month

What's included?


Super charge your progress with 1 to 1 coaching & personal support


per month

What's included?
Terri Pugh is stood holding a cake stand which holds a lovely big white chocolate and raspberry cake. She is wearing a pink top, and looks very happy.

Hi, I'm Terri

Hello! If we haven’t met before, it’s nice to meet you.

I have wasted years of my life dieting and missing out on life because I was so worried about my weight and how I looked.

Years of relentlessly counting and tracking, and at it’s worst in the thick of an eating disorder.

So I know, and I understand

I get how desperate it can feel to be in a body that you don’t like, eating food with panic and lack of control.

Now, I am a certified Intuitive Eating counsellor, trained by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch, the original Intuitive Eating pros.

I’m ASDAH and Health At Every Size affiliated, which means I will always advocate for your wellbeing, no matter what your shape or size.

I am an ILM Level 5 certified coach and mentor, which means I have heaps of knowledge, skills, tools and resources to help you get real results.

Plus, I have qualifications which will allow me to support your nutrition, as well as your eating behaviours.

I am going to be your biggest cheerleader, always treating you with kindness and compassion, and hopefully we’ll have a laugh along the way too.

I am here for you, ready to support you, guide you, and celebrate with you.

Terri x

The personal coaching sessions in addition to the group sessions were the perfect balance of support. Time with others, and time just for me. I can't thank you enough for what you offer in this membership.
Transform Level Member
Terri is an AMAZING group coach. I can tell her heart and soul are poured into every inch of her program. She has so much wisdom, is never judgemental and always available in our chats when we have questions or thoughts to share.
Boost Level Member
Finally! I am learning so much from your information and feel like I'm finally getting answers or clarity on so many areas of my 40+ years of food battles.
Boost Level Member

Most Popular Questions

Courses are great for learning the theory behind a subject, but it doesn't help you to implement it in real life. There's nothing like having conversation when things are happening in real life. This is what you get in the membership - a support team, to help, support and advise you when things are happening for you. 

Nope. You are welcome to leave whenever you choose. To get the best results I do suggest that you to stay for at least 6 months, because you do need time to figure things out, ask questions etc,  but you're not tied in.

A workshop session is a live group coaching session where there is a focus topic for discussion. Sometimes there will be a presentation, sometimes coaching questions, sometimes a guest speaker. 

Q&A group coaching sessions are live sessions where you can bring anything you like and we'll chat about it. Sometimes that looks like question, and sometimes it's sharing a situation and getting support around that. The floor is yours in a Q&A session. 

Live coaching sessions tend to be on a Monday or Tuesday evening at 8pm (UK time), and usually the first and third weeks of the month. 

Being at the live sessions is the best way to get the support and make progress, but if you can't make it that's no problem. If you're on the Boost or Transform levels you will have access to the session replays in the members area. Unfortunately that's not available at Connect level, so if the replays are important to you please choose one of the other levels.

You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You can come and sit and listen for a little while if you like.

However, you might find that once you're in there you surprise yourself and want to get involved and chat with the other lovely members.

Transform level will give you access to lots of lovely personal support.

We will have a 30 minute personal coaching session each month, just you and I.

In between sessions you can use Voxer, WhatsApp, or email to contact me with questions, thoughts, or to share and celebrate your wins.

There is no cap on how much you can message me, but I do have a 'fair usage' policy so I just ask that you are reasonable about it.

I will reply within my working hours, which are usually evenings Monday to Wednesday, and daytime Thursday to Saturday. I will always reply within 24 hours (unless it's Sunday!!).

Voxer is a great tool for getting extra support between sessions. You can download an app for your phone or use it on desktop. You can send voice messages, and you can send text too, so you can talk to me easily and I'll respond asap.

The Eat From Within membership, intuitive eating, and body confidence work can all be very complimentary to a treatment plan, so it's not an outright 'no' here.

However, for your own wellbeing we have to be cautious here, and it's important to me to make sure that you are safe if you do join.

Let's talk first and decide whether it is right for you or not. Book in a discovery call and we'll have a chat about it. 

What are you waiting for?

You’re ready to have a better relationship with food.
You’re ready to have a better relationship with your body.
You’re ready to find your food freedom, increase your body confidence, and ditch diets forever.

Join Eat From Within – the intuitive eating & body confidence membership.

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