
The Intuitive Eating Network

Connection, support & knowledge sharing for intuitive eating professionals in the UK & Ireland


Form great connections with other intuitive eating counsellors, coaches and healthcare professionals who use intuitive eating in their work. Build a network of people also helping their clients to bring intuitive eating into their lives.


A supportive environment where you can seek advice, guidance, and encouragement from people who understand the challenges you face as a professional in the intuitive eating space.

Knowledge Sharing

Learn from others' perspectives and experiences. Gain insights, expertise, and best practices, for your continued learning and professional development.

This group is open to anyone based in the UK & Ireland who is incorporating intuitive eating into their practice with their clients.

The conversation will be a mix of networking, to chat about business, share experiences, and get support, and to also discuss an aspect of intuitive eating and how we work with it. 

It will be a place for support, knowledge sharing, and building connections. A place where you can find encouragement, advice and guidance. And somewhere you can learn from others’ expertise and insights, and share your own, so that you can stay motivated while developing your knowledge and skills. 

It’s online too by the way, so you don’t have to travel.

Ready to join us? Just complete the registration.

Polite note: This is a strictly non-diet space, so if you are a weight loss coach I would suggest there is a better networking space than this for you. Thank you for your understanding.

Monthly Subscription To

the intuitive eating network

For just £10 a month you have access to

Monthly Meeting

A live networking and support group session with other likeminded professionals who use intuitive eating in their work

Whatsapp Group

A WhatsApp community for chat, connection building, resources, and sharing between meetings

Meetings are usually the
third Thursday of each month, 1pm-2pm

Join The Intuitive Eating Network
and we’ll see you at the next meeting

Your first month is free!

If you’d like to try it out to see if you will like being a part of the network, you can join today for free. 

If you like it, stay, there’s nothing more to do. If you don’t, just cancel within the first 30 days and you won’t be charged.

What have you got to lose? You may as well join us!

Can’t see the checkout? Give it a moment. I don’t know why but sometimes it’s a little slow to load.

Subscribe for updates

If you’re not quite ready yet but would like to keep in touch, sign up to The Intuitive Eating Networking email list.

A little tip: if you’ve already been to a meeting you don’t need to sign up here. You’re already on the list.

TIEN List Signup

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