
Let's Talk About me, Not my Weight!

A masterclass in speaking up for yourself at the doctor’s

Learning about how you can talk to your doctor about your health without having conversations about your weight is without a doubt the best way to feel empowered, so that you can have a better experience at your appointments and continue to manage your health without that weight bias. 

Sign up now for LIFETIME ACCESS

Do you find you put off going to the doctor’s because you’re scared that they might ask you to stand on the scales? 

Do you always seem to have a conversation with your doctor around your weight, and end up leaving feeling bad about yourself and frustrated because you haven’t actually come away with answers or a plan for your condition? 

Would you like that to change?

‘Let’s Talk About Me, Not Your Weight!’ is a masterclass on learning to advocate for yourself and your health at medical appointments and get treatment without weight bias. 

Join us and take control of your well-being today!


not having a conversation about your weight with your doctor...

let's talk about me, not my weight!

have complete confidence as you enter the doctor's office

Join me for a masterclass designed to help you feel more confident when you pay a visit to your doctor. 

We’ll be covering consent, body autonomy, how to refuse to be weighed, how to ask not to have your weight discussed, getting what you need from your appointment, and more.

The masterclass will be held on May 15th, at 8pm UK time. 

But don’t worry if you’re not able to attend at that time. You’ll have lifetime access, so can watch the masterclass whenever it suits you.

After this masterclass you’ll...

be able to refuse to be weighed at the doctors office

know when it is necessary to be weighed by your doctor, and when it’s not necessary

know how to ask your doctor not to discuss your weight, or weight loss

understand what your doctor’s obligations are and how they should treat you

be able to ask your doctor questions about your condition and treatment in a non-weight biased way

have a toolkit of scripts and letters to use to support your conversation with your doctor

the Bottom line...

Do any of these sound familiar?

It’s time to make it stop.

It’s time to take back your power.

You deserve better.

So who’s the


behind this


I’ve helped many women just like you to reduce their anxiety around their weight and take charge of their health.

Hello! If we haven’t met before, it’s nice to meet you.

I have been through years of worrying about going to medical appointments because of how the doctor might judge me. 

And years of not advocating for myself, and leaving with another diet plan to follow and no treatment plan.

So I know, and I understand how desperate it can feel to be in a body that the medical profession tells you is a health risk, and to feel the pain and upset of feeling unheard.

Now, I am a ASDAH and Health At Every Size affiliated, certified Intuitive Eating counsellor and a Body Image coach. Basically this means that I am the perfect person to help you to advocate for yourself at these appointments.

I am going to empower you,  support you, and celebrate you for taking your power back.

Let’s do this!

Terri x

sign up here

Just £35 for lifetime access

Are you ready for a better experience at the doctor’s?

Are you ready to take control and feel super positive when you leave?

Are you looking forward to feeling better about your health?

Then let’s go! Hit the button and join me at the masterclass.

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Lana Lang
Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lana Lang
Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lana Lang

Just what are you doing wrong when you know you’re doing it all by the book?


Simply put, it’s not your fault… diets just suck!

If you’re not losing weight, and KEEPING IT OFF…

If you’re STILL NOT HAPPY with your body…

If every year YOU START AGAIN…

…Then it’s simply NOT working.

But that’s not your fault. 

Diet companies are designed to make money. They rely on you coming back, time and time again. They want you to have some results, but to need them.

They don’t teach you what your body naturally needs. They don’t help you to understand your mindset around your eating habits. 

They simply tell you what to eat, and what not to eat. 

They tell you that your body is not good enough until you’ve made it smaller.

What if I told you it’s those rules and restrictions that are CAUSING your unhappiness?!

It’s time say f#@k the diets, and break the cycle for good. 

Oh no, you can't do that. Sorry!


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